

I work with people who want to make change in themselves and the world. I enjoy holding space for people who are highly sensitive, justice-oriented, deeply creative; don’t fit the boxes society has constructed for them; and may carry a heavy load of personal, generational, or identity-based trauma.

My own journey has led me to focus on exploring marginalized and intersectional identities. I work with queer and trans folks and multicultural people who live in the in-between spaces and want to thrive as their full selves.

My framework is feminist, liberatory and imaginal. 

Approaches to treatment - EMDR, Ego State, Parts Work, PolyVagal Theory Informed, Body-Center and Somatics, Self Compassion and Mindfulness. 

Formal training: Masters of Counseling Psychology, Meridian University, 2018. Gestalt and Psychosynthesis Counseling Training, META-Center, Norway 2012. EMRD Basic Training, 2021.

Areas of Focus

I  bring curiosity, training and interest to:

  • Trauma healing

  • Multicultural counseling with immigrants

  • LGBTQ+

  • Highly sensitive people 

  • Chronic pain

  • Change-making and activism

  • Neurodiversity


Private Pay $165

I offer reduced-fee options to some private-pay clients in recognition that some people face greater barriers to accessing care due to their position in our culture (race, ethnicity, gender, immigration status, economic/employment status, housing status, disability, etc.)


Insurance: Premera

Starting October 15th: Kaiser Permanente; I welcome Kaiser Gender Health Program referrals

Out of network: offers superbills


Virtual only

Scheduling Information
(980) 981-4738

Reach out for a free 15 minute consultation to see if we a good match.


D. Michael Louderback, MA, LMHC


Marilyn Napier, MAEd, LMHCA